Access Forms and Information for Properties Under Contract with HADC.

• Review and update your contact information.
• View payment transactions on your ledger.
• View your unit information.
• View unit inspection results.
• View and obtain contact information for the specialist currently serving each of your tenants.
Go Section 8 List Your Properties Here!
HADC encourages our landlords to list properties on the listing service, This site is intended to provide better service to both our landlords and particpants.

HCV Call Center 404-270-2500
Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
HCV Lobby
Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Closed on Fridays

Housing Choice Voucher Graduates

As a participant family’s income increases, the amount of rental subsidy decreases. If the amount of assistance provided by the Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC) drops to zero and remains there for 180 consecutive calendar days, the assistance automatically terminates and the family ‘graduates’ from the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program.
Between January 2017, and December 2018, 90 participants have graduated from the program and are now sustaining their housing independent from HCV assistance.
Congratulations to the graduates!
Break It Down:
Requesting a Voucher Extension
When participants are issued a voucher to move, the voucher expires in 60 days. The participant must locate a new unit and submit a Request for Tenancy Approval before the voucher expires.
If additional time is needed to locate a unit, a Voucher Extension Request Form must be submitted prior to the voucher expiration date. Link here to access the form.
HADC will approve one 30-day extension upon written request from the participant only in the following circumstances:
- It is necessary as a reasonable accommodation for a person with disabilities.
- It is necessary due to reasons beyond the participant's control, as determined by HADC.
Following is a list of extenuating circumstances that HADC may consider in making its decision. The presence of the circumstances listed below does not guarantee that an extension will be granted.
- Serious illness or death in the family
- Obstacles due to employment
- Whether the family has already submitted Requests for Tenancy Approval (RTAs) that were not approved by HADC
- Whether family size or other special requirements make finding a unit difficult
- Other similar circumstances identified by the HADC
If a voucher expires, a participant’s assistance may be terminated. Please note, informal hearings cannot be requested due to voucher expiration.
Did You Know?
1099s are Available Online
1099 Tax Statements may now be accessed directly through the Owner Portal. Registered owners and managers may access information to their properties under contract with the HADC through our Owner Portal. Link here for Owner Portal Registration Instructions.

Customer Service Survey Highlight
HADC Client Services currently receives an average of 222 calls and 118 visitors per day.
Each quarter, HADC sends a customer service survey via email to our participants and landlords to help gain feedback regarding the level of customer service they received when calling or visiting. On average, the number of survey responses received are 519, with approximately 83% from participants, 16% from landlords, and 1% from the general public. Thank you to all who participated in the surveys!