Special Programs
HADC offers special programs in collaboration with our non-profit affiliate Resident Services Corporation (RSC), DeKalb County Community and Development Department, and other community agencies to positively impact lives of our housing choice voucher families.
Homeless Demonstration Program
A recent HUD Family Options Study found that homeless families that were offered vouchers compared to transitional housing and other assistance experienced significantly less housing instability, food insecurity, domestic violence, and separation from children. HADC’s Homeless Demonstration Program works in collaboration with DeKalb County Continuum of Care partners to place families. Link here for HADC Housing Referral Partners.
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)
The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is a voluntary program offered to current Housing Choice Voucher families. The program is designed to assist families in becoming independent of public assistance. FSS combines case management and the support of local programs and agencies in DeKalb County to assist the FSS families in attaining their goals. FSS families are assisted with education, career/vocational counseling, job search techniques, mental and physical health issues, substance abuse, money management, child care, transportation and other relevant needs.
To be eligible for the FSS Program, you must be a current Housing Authority of DeKalb County Voucher Program (HCV) Participant. Those interested in participating in the program can link here to complete a "Statement of Interest Form" for the FSS Program.
If you have questions regarding the program, please contact .
Homeownership Program
Our Homeownership Program offers a mortgage subsidy to low income households that currently receive Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Rental Assistance from HADC. Subsidy factors are the same as the HCV "Rental Assistance Program, with expenses being an additional consideration.
Families who qualify for the program must be in good standing and enrolled in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, have an annual earned income of at least $25,000 and must first complete HADC financial education and homeownership readiness classes, including both pre-purchase and post-purchase counseling, so they understand the meaning of being a homeowner and how to properly maintain that status.
For a comprehensive list of initial eligibility requirements and more information on the Homeownership Program, please link here to be directed to the Resident Services Corporation (RSC) website.
Family Unification Program
Housing vouchers have been demonstrated to be one of the most effective tools for families seeking to escape the hardships of homelessness and to raise their children in safe, stable homes. HADC works with the Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS) to prevent families from losing children to foster care, many of whom are homeless or facing homelessness.
Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Program
HADC’s Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Program is another way HADC works to achieve its mission and build a better future for young adults in DeKalb County. Working with the DeKalb County Continuum of Care partners, HADC committed to providing up to 100 vouchers targeting youth aging out of foster care and homeless youth (age 18-26 years).