Mixed Income Development
The HADC is a committed partner in the community's effort to revitalize neighborhoods, foster economic development, and provide quality affordable housing. We understand that housing cannot function in an environment that is not viable nor can those we serve reach their full potential if our community's economic condition does not continue to improve.
The HADC and its affiliate, Housing Development Corporation (HDC), work with developers, financial institutions, and government agencies to build new thriving communities in DeKalb County and create opportunities for low and moderate income seniors, disabled, and families to obtain safe and affordable housing. HDC was created as a not for profit affiliate of the Housing Authority in 1988 in response to the shortage of affordable housing opportunities for persons of low and moderate income families, seniors, and the disabled. HDC is production oriented through marketing land formerly occupied by obsolete public housing and by acquiring property for redevelopment as affordable living, mixed use and mixed income developments that will permit families to change their lives and progress to self-sufficiency.
Through HDC, the HADC provides high quality mixed income units that serve our target market and promote economic integration. HDC is working to reposition existing assets and seeking other development opportunities that allow HADC to be economically supporting. With the help of our Strategic Partners, both in public and private sectors, we will continue to use our funds and expenses to transform blighted areas, and revitalize communities. We are creative and sensitive to the needs of development partners. HDC is production oriented through marketing land formally occupied by obsolete public housing and by acquiring property for redevelopment as affordable living, mixed use and mixed income developments that will permit families to change their lives and progress to self-sufficiency.
HDC focuses on three integral parts of new construction and rehabilitation for the affordable real estate market:
- Rental product development
- Rental product acquisition/disposition
- For sale and for lease single-family development