IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR OWNERS/LANDLORDS: Effective September 2023, HADC will suspend the processing of the HCV Mid-Month Check Run until further notice.
Owners play a central role in the HCV Program by supplying decent, safe, and sanitary housing for participating families.
The HADC HCV Program Administrative Plan defines an owner as any person or entity with the legal right to lease or sublease a unit to a participant. A landlord is defined as either the owner of the property or his/her representative, or the managing agent or his/her representative, as designated by the owner.
Owners and their agents have numerous responsibilities under the program, including screening and leasing to families, maintaining the dwelling unit, enforcing the lease, and complying with various contractual obligations.
Registered owners and managing agents may access information related to their properties under contract with the HADC through our Owner Portal. Link here for Owner Portal Registration Instructions.
Access forms and information
for properties under contract
with HADC.
If you are interested in participating as an owner in the HCV Program, please LINK HERE to see Owner Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and learn the how to become a Housing Choice Voucher Owner.
If you are interested in Housing a Hero through our Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Program, download a VASH Landlord flyer here for more information.
HADC Policy
In order to participate in the HCV Program, owners must accept HAP via direct deposit. In addition, owners must notify the HADC of any changes to their bank accounts. If owners fail to notify the HADC of changes in bank account information, they will be subject to fees and/or penalties for non-compliance.