Housing Quality Standards (HQS)
The Housing Quality Standards (HQS) set acceptable conditions for interior living space, building exterior, heating and plumbing systems, and general health and safety.
Prior to execution of the HAP Contract, the Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC) must inspect the units to be occupied to ensure that the unit meets HQS. Additionally, after HAP Contract execution, the HADC is required to inspect the units on an annual basis.
Attending an owner briefing increases the likelihood of properties passing HQS inspection the first time and decreases the number of deficiencies that are cited during the inspection.
HQS Inspections
The HADC partners with McCright & Associates to conduct all Housing Quality Standards (HQS) home inspections. To schedule inspections and address inspection/abatement-related issues, you can email McCright & Associates directly at or call 404-260-9665.
HQS Updates
HQS inspection results can be obtained with an “event ID” at the following link: http://results.mccright.com/webportal.
If your property has failed inspection and all repairs have been completed in a satisfactory manner, the owner and tenant must sign the Housing Quality Standards Repair Certification Form to verify that all deficiencies listed on the HQS Notice have been corrected. Self-certification forms may be faxed to 423-265-6222 or emailed to .
What happens if the unit fails the inspection?
It is important to remember that the inspector does not automatically return to conduct follow-up inspections for repaired deficiency items. Written notification by the owner agent must be made to the inspector that all of the required repairs have been completed by the deadline date for correcting repairs. The written notification, preferably on the re-inspection forms provided with the inspection letters, should include the owner agent’s name and phone numbers, the tenant’s name, address and phone number and the name of the inspector who conducted the inspection. If written notification is not provided by the deadline date, the rental payments made to the owner agent will be abated or terminated until the unit passes. The rent will be resumed when the unit passes inspection but the lost rent will not be paid.
HQS Inspection Highlights
To ensure your property passes inspection, we recommend you perform your own inspection of the property and make any necessary repairs prior to the Housing Authority’s scheduled inspection. HADC's Self-Inspection Checklist outlines common HQS deficiency items from Housing Choice Voucher properties that cause inspections to fail and create delays in the disbursements of rental payments to owners.
Link here to review and download the HQS Self-inspection Checklist.
For a more detailed explanation of the Housing Quality Standards Inspection Requirements, link to www.hud.gov.