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The Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC) will be closing the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting List for Candler Forrest (Family) on Thursday, February 13, 2025.
The Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC) will open the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting List for new applicants to Mills Creek Crossing on Friday, December 6, 2024. Eligible individuals must apply by completing an ONLINE pre-application at www.dekalbhousing.org during the Waiting List open application period.
The Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC) will open the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting Lists for new applicants to Veranda at assembly(Age 55+) on Friday, April 19, 2024 and the Waiting List for Hearthside Brookleigh (Age 62+) will open on Friday, May 17, 2024.
Eligible individuals must apply by completing an online pre-application at www.dekalbhousing.org during the Waiting List open application period.
PBV Waiting Lists for Phoenix Station (Family) and Columbia Senior Residences at Forrest Hills (Elderly age 62+) to Open December 1, 2023.
The Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC) will open the “Near-Elderly” (55+) Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting List for new applicants to Retreat at Spring Hill on Friday, June 2, 2023. Eligible individuals must apply by completing an ONLINE pre-application at www.dekalbhousing.org during the Waiting List open application period.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about HADC's PBV Waiting List Opening.
The Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC) will open the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting List for new applicants to The View and Reserve at Mills Creek “Elderly” (62+) communities on Friday, June 17, 2022. Eligible individuals must apply by completing an ONLINE pre-application at www.dekalbhousing.org during the Waiting List open application period.
HCV clients can complete their Intake Certification or Annual Recertification online. RentCafé Resources, including Instructions and Step by Step Guide for signing into RentCafé Resident Portal can be accessed by linking here. We are strongly encouraging all participants to register. Link here to learn more about RentCafé.
HADC affiliate, Resident Services Corporation (RSC), is pleased to announce its 2022 Resident Services Corporation Scholarships. RSC will be awarding scholarships for both traditional and nontraditional students receiving rental assistance through Housing Authority of DeKalb County’s Housing Choice Voucher Program. The application deadline is May 15, 2022. Link here to download the RSC Scholarship Application. Eligibility and requirements are outlined on the application.
Small Area Fair Market Rent (SAFMR) 2022 Payment Standards for the HCV, PBV, and VASH Programs can be accessed through the HADC website's Participant Forms and Information page.
The Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC) will open our Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting List for new applicants on Monday, November 22, 2021, and will remain open until further notice.
Eligible individuals must apply by completing an online pre-application at www.dekalbhousing.org/hcv-program/project-based.php during the Waiting List open application period. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about HADC's PBV Waiting List Opening.
All in-house meetings for the Housing Choice Voucher Program have been transferred to a virtual platform until further notice. Eligible participants will be contacted by one of an HCV Department Housing Specialist to complete transfer move briefings online. Information for HCV's quarterly Owner/Landlord Virtual Meetings for Landlord Briefings and Landlord-Participant Meet & Greets can accessed by linking here.
Updated Small Area Fair Market Rent (SAFMR) 2021 HADC Payment Standards can be accessed through the HADC website’s Participant Forms and Information page.
The Agency will continue to closely monitor government and public health advisories regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. HCV Housing Specialists will remain available via phone and email to assist participants. Please check our website for updates.
To prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 and for the safety of our staff and clients, the Housing Authority and its affiliated companies are taking extra precautions to keep our facilities sanitized. We are encouraging our staff, partners and clients to follow the CDC's recommendations to clean hands, sanitize objects, and stay at home when sick or having been exposed to someone with the virus.
The Utility Allowance Schedule for HADC multi-family, single-family, and energy efficient apartment unit types has been updated and can be accessed through the HADC website’s Participant Forms and Information page.
1099 Tax Statements may now be accessed directly through the Owner Portal. Registered owners and managers may access information related to their properties under contract with the HADC through our Owner Portal. Link here for Owner Portal Registration Instructions.
* Update - HCV Tenant-Based Waiting List Opening CLOSED on December 13, 2018.
HADC is excited to open its Tenant-Based Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Waiting List (commonly known as Section 8). The HCV program provides rental assistance to eligible low-income families, seniors and persons with disabilities. Interested persons must apply by completing an online application during the wait list opening at www.dekalbhousing.org.
HADC's Elderly (62+) Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting List for Columbia Decatur East will close - effective 11:59pm on September 30, 2018.
As of March 31, 2018, HADC Elderly PBV Community Options have been CLOSED with the exception of Columbia Decatur East. Pre-applications for the Elderly PBV Wait List (age 62+) must be submitted online.
HADC implemented Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMRs) on April 1, 2018. SAFMRs are fair market rents (FMRs) established at the ZIP code-area level and replaced the 50th percentile FMRs previously required by HUD.
Effective November 1, 2017, all Housing Choice Voucher Program participants are required to report increases in household income within 10 days. HADC staff will calculate a rent adjustment to include the new income. Participants can also report decreases in their income, and will receive a rent adjustment.
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