Waiting List FAQs
Please click on a question below to view the answer. For more answers to frequently asked questions about the Housing Choice Voucher Program, please link to specific topics from the Housing Choice Voucher FAQs menu.
Is the Housing Choice Voucher Program Waiting List open?
The Housing Choice Voucher Tenant-Based Waiting List is CLOSED to new applicants.
Several "Community Options" for “Elderly” (62+), "Near-Elderly" (55+) and “Family”
PBV Waiting Lists opened for ONLINE pre-applications beginning November 22, 2021
and will remain open until further notice.
In addition to the available PBV Waiting List “Community Options”, HADC’s Waiting Lists for Phoenix Station (Family) and Columbia Senior Residences at Forrest Hills (Elderly age 62+) opened on December 1, 2023.
Eligible individuals must apply by completing an ONLINE pre-application at www.dekalbhousing.org during the open application period. Link here for more information about HADC’s Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program.
All PBV Waiting Lists will remain open until further notice.
What is the Housing Choice Voucher Program?
The HADC’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, commonly known as Section 8, is a federal program designed to provide rental assistance to low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. Through the HCV Program, HADC pays a portion of eligible families’ rent each month directly to the Property Owner/Manager/Landlord.
What is a Tenant-Based Voucher?
Tenant-based Vouchers provide rental assistance for families in the private rental market. The voucher is provided to applicants and they can choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program.
The Housing Authority pays a portion of contracted rent in the form of a housing assistance payment to the landlord on behalf of the Participant. The Participant pays the remaining rent, an amount that is roughly equivalent to 30% of their monthly income, and the utility expenses.
Why does the HADC open its Waiting List?
The Housing Authority’s Waiting Lists are used to identify applicants for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The Housing Authority must ensure full utilization of program funding.
When can I apply for a Waiting List?
HADC will provide advance public notification prior to opening a Waiting List.
Applications will only be accepted during a Waiting List Open Application Period. Interested persons must submit an online pre-application during the open application period.
Applications are processed from the wait list position determined and based on the “date and time” of their application. HADC will provide advance public notification prior to opening our Waiting List(s).
The HADC gives preference to residents who live in DeKalb County over those who do not. For example, if you live out of state and are #1 on the Waiting List, you will not be offered housing before someone who is already a resident of DeKalb County. If you move to DeKalb County, make sure you update your application through the applicant portal to receive the preference.
Is there a preference given to DeKalb County residents
Yes. The HADC gives preference to residents who live in DeKalb County over those who do not. For example, if you live out of state and are #1 on the Waiting List, you will not be offered housing before someone who is already a resident of DeKalb County. If you move to DeKalb County, make sure you update your application through the applicant portal to receive the preference.
Will I receive preference for a voucher if I am homeless, a veteran, disabled, or elderly?
No. There are programs specifically for homeless veterans and elderly families who need a unit under the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program.
Can more than one person in my household submit an application?
Yes. However, each person must be 18 years of age or older or be an emancipated minor in accordance with the laws of the state of Georgia.
What are the eligibility requirements to be admitted into the HADC’s HCV Program?
To be eligible to receive a voucher, you must meet the following requirements at the time you are selected:
- You must be 18 years of age or older, or an emancipated minor.
- Your household income must meet income guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for DeKalb County, Georgia. Maximum income guidelines may not exceed the low income limit as determined by HUD annually.
- You must meet all the eligibility guidelines found in the Housing Authority of DeKalb County’s Administrative Plan.
- You will be required to provide information that will be verified during the screening process. Examples of information include: annual household income, family composition, social security numbers, citizenship or eligible immigration status of all family members, criminal background, and prior termination from housing assistance programs. False information provided during the screening process may result in you being ineligible for HADC housing programs.
Can I apply for the Waiting List if I was previously terminated from the program?
Yes. You will not be prohibited from submitting an application; however, when you are selected for the Waiting List, your application will be reviewed in accordance with the HADC’s eligibility and screening criteria, which may include a review of your previous participation in a housing assistance program.
Can I be selected for the Tenant-Based Waiting List if I am on another waiting list?
Yes. It’s possible to be selected for more than one Waiting List.
If I am currently on a HADC Waiting List, how does the new list affect my current status?
It does not. If you were on one of the HADC Waiting Lists prior to the new waitlist opening, you will not lose your current position on the waitlist you are currently on.
Is there a cost to submit an application for the Waiting List?
No. There is no cost to submit an application. The HADC will never ask for your debit or credit card or any other form of payment to submit an application for its services. Additionally, please do not provide personal information to anyone claiming he or she can guarantee a spot on the waiting list, improve your chances of selection for the waiting list, or ensure that you will receive any benefits from the HADC.
What happens after I submit the application for the Waiting List?
A confirmation number will be displayed on your screen when you have successfully completed the application. The confirmation will also be emailed to your email address you provided in the application. Applicants should print your registration confirmation for your records.
What if I did not receive a confirmation email when submitting a pre-application?
If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting an application, please check your email account to see if it was placed in your junk folder. If you did not receive an email, you can contact us by email at .
When will I be notified whether I made a Waiting List?
Everyone who successfully submitted an application will receive notification by email to inform them that their application is currently under review to determine if they are eligible for the Tenant-Based Waiting List. If you do not provide a valid email address, the Housing Authority will be unable to reach you.
If selected for a waiting list, do I automatically qualify for housing?
No. If selected, you will be contacted for eligibility screening once your name gets to the top of the list. This screening process will determine if you meet the basic eligibility requirements of the program.
If selected for a waiting list, how do I check my application status?
Applicants who have been selected for a waiting list will be notified via email.
Applicants who have been selected for a waiting list can access the Applicant Portal link on our website to check your status and update the contact information you submitted in the pre-application. The user ID and password for the Applicant Portal is the same one used when submitting your application.
Applicants on a waiting list will be required to visit the Applicant Portal at least once a year to verify their contact information.
If I make the Tenant-Based Waiting List will I lose my spot on another waiting list?
No. If you make the Tenant-Based Waiting List and you get notified for another Waiting List first, you will keep your spot on the other Waiting List. Even if you reject assistance from one program, you can still keep your spot on the other Waiting List.
What is the difference between the Tenant-Based and Project-Based Voucher Waiting Lists?
Tenant-Based Vouchers provide rental assistance for families in the private rental market. The voucher is provided to applicants and they can choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program. Applicants selected for the Tenant-Based Waiting List may only receive a Tenant-Based Voucher.
Project-Based Vouchers provide rental assistance that is tied to a specific unit in a property contracted with the Housing Authority. Applicants selected for the Project-Based Waiting List may only receive a Project-Based Voucher.
Applicants who were selected for both the Tenant-Based and Project-Based Waiting Lists will only be removed from a list for which they have been selected. Applicants cannot transfer to the Tenant-Based Waiting List from the Project-Based Waiting List or vice-versa.
If selected for a waiting list, when will I receive housing assistance?
As housing assistance becomes available, the HADC will contact you by email for an eligibility screening appointment. The screening process will determine if you meet the basic eligibility requirements to qualify for the program. If you meet the program requirements, you will receive your tenant-based or project-based housing voucher.
For other affordable housing opportunities, please visit www.georgiahousingsearch.org or www.affordablehousing.com.
How can I check my status on a Waiting List?
Applicants currently on a waiting list can access our Applicant Portal link on our website to check your status and update the contact information you submitted in the pre-application. The user ID and password for the Applicant Portal is the same one used when submitting your pre-application.
Applicants on the waiting list will be required to visit the Applicant Portal at least once a year to verify their contact information.